17 June 2006

A backdoor plan to thwart the electoral college

Some states try to ensure that the winner of popular vote becomes president.

By Randy Dotinga | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
SAN DIEGO – Picture it: On election day in some future year, a presidential candidate ends up with the most popular votes but not enough electoral votes to win.
It's a repeat of the 2000 election in which one contender, Democrat Al Gore, took the majority of the national popular vote, while the other, Republican George W. Bush, clinched the most electoral college votes and, hence, the presidency.

But this time there's a twist: A bunch of states team up and give all their electoral college votes to the nationwide popular-vote winner, regardless of who won the most votes in their state. Then, the candidate who garners the most citizen votes in the country moves into the White House.

Legislative houses in Colorado and California have recently approved this plan, known as the National Popular Vote proposal, taking it partway to passage. Other states, too, are exploring the idea of a binding compact among states that would oblige each of them to throw its electoral votes behind the national popular-vote winner.

Interesting... I'm thinking that this is a much better plan... simplicity at the core of it, popular vote gets it. Thoughts?


16 June 2006

Argentina doesn’t just score goals, it crafts works of art.

Argentina crushes Serbia-Montenegro 6-0
South Americans score second goal after string of 24 straight passes!!!!!!!!!!WOW!!!

You may guess that our house is a very happy place today!!! 8-)
Whoooooohoooooo!!! Dale! Dale! ARGENTINA!!!

Charlie and Marcela

11 June 2006

Some fun stuff....

Lack of teeth by state: I'm surprised Texas is so low on the list...

Extreme baloon animals. I should learn to do that before I have kids... 8-) Okay, maybe I don't need to know how to build a motorcycle or a dress or a couch out of baloons, but it would be fun to do once!


And some funny takes on the recent "666" date thing...
666i = BMW of the Beast
DSM-666 (revised) = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
$665.95 = Retail price of the Beast


03 June 2006

Photoshopped "news" photo on MSNBC.com?

I woke up to this photo on MSNBC.com's main "headline" image. (It may have changed now.)

I'm fairly good in photoshop and this looks to be a composite of two photos, one the auto and the guys on the left, and a different photo of the swat team guy in the forground. The light source angles are completely different for each!

I'm not up on the latest in news reporting ethics, but I thought photoshop like this was generally NOT accepted as accurate journalism. Anyone have an opinion here?
