09 February 2005

The Wedding...

The wedding was great, we had a brilliant time. Marcela's mother and sister came into Austin for the wedding. Along with many of my family from Florida, Wisconsin and Washington, DC... my mother, all my brothers and sisters and their significant others, as well as my Aunt Bridget (my "Best Man") and my GrandMother, and Aunt Ginny. My GrandMother is getting on in the years, and has some significant health issues, so it was amazing that she and Bridget could make it. They really helped make the even more special.

I had a pretty silly "bachelor" party, with my aunt and my mom attending... 8-) we just went downtown to 6th street for a few mexican martinis... it was fun. Played pool, mom got wild, it was a good (if tame) time.

The rehersal and rehersal dinner was nice, just the basics with family meeting each other for the first time, catching up and generally having a good time. We had the rehersal dinner at one of our favorite places, and the place where Marcela and I had our first date, NXNW. Thanks much to them.

The wedding was great, a masterpiece of organization by the staff of HamiltonTwelve, Lissa, and especially by Marcela. Parts were beautiful, parts were touching and there were lots of silly and fun times. We danced our asses off with the Argentines setting the pace, they never seem to run out of energy!!! My brother and I even got thrown into the "decorative" swimming pool... it was freeeeezing! It took me a while to defrost before I could perform my "husbandly" duties that night... 8-)

The honeymoon in Kauai, Hawai'i was a welcome rest... I'll post some notes on that soon.

Pix and more soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats, hombre! I'll bet it was a great party. :-)