02 January 2006

An interesting legal perspective of the Pres' warrantless domestic surveillance

Why Get A Warrant?: The President's Admission that He Authorized Warrantless Domestic Surveillance
By Sherry F. Colb, a FindLaw columnist, is Professor and Frederick B. Lacey Scholar at Rutgers Law School.

An well put together argument from a legal perspective. Enjoy!

I especially liked the part where she discusses: "the problem on September 11th was not the failure to have gathered intelligence. It was the failure to read the intelligence we already had (about flight schools and planned airplane attacks on the World Trade Center towers), to which the administration had ready access. The problem, in other words, was too much -- and poorly organized -- information, rather than not enough. The continuing broad surveillance of U.S. citizens, without oversight, thus promises only to aggravate matters.

Everyone have a great new years? What kinda resolutions do ya got? I've got several, none too interesting nor unique... 8-)

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