23 September 2006

Donate $8 the the US National Slavery Museum

The United States National Slavery Museum (USNSM) is asking Americans to contribute $8.00 or more to the construction of the only museum in our nation devoted exclusively to telling the story of American slavery

Why $8?
$8 8 is the shape both of shackles (the symbol of slavery) and, if turned on its side, of infinite freedom.
$8 is an amount that allows every American to be a part of this incredible project.
$8 buys recognition for millions of enslaved African Americans who helped build America.
$8 is rewarded with an advance ticket to the Museum’s exclusive opening preview (valued at $25).
$8 will help remove shackles that have divided our nation and replace them with a new symbol for a united America.

Donate here!

L'shana Tova!

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