16 February 2005

Here's the story... I dont' even know how to summarize this...

Okay, so guy (Jeff Gannon) who had set up several gay "escort" sites with nude photos of himself... then he was granted access the White House Press Pool and lobbs inaccurate/softball questions to Bush... turns out he is admitted under a false name and has no reporting background/credentials. Either a serious security breach or a real gaffe by staffers in the white house.

Turns out he may also be connected to the undercover CIA officer leak... In 2003 he interviewed Plame's husband, former ambassador Joe Wilson, after unnamed administration officials leaked her role as a CIA operative to columnist Robert Novak.

Some people are trying to tie him to Scott McClelland, (who allegedly been seen at several Austin, Tx gay bars "hanging out" without his wife...) Besides additional lies/infidelity tied to the Bush administration, this is no big deal... but since McClelland is the press secretary, and runs the press pool, would have purview over who is admitted. So picture this scenario: McClelland and Gannon have a "thing"... Gannon says let me into the press pool, or some pix get leaked... bingo, next thing ya know, he's lobbin' questions to the sitting president. Just a theory... and no i didn't come up with it... 8-)

What ya think?
A senior house aide said:
“To me, the really amazing thing is that you know have the clear record of a guy who was a fake reporter from a fake news organization asking fake questions at a presidential press conference with a very questionable pass, and the best the mainstream media can do is an article in the C-section of the Washington Post,” the aide said.
Righto... amazing isn't it?

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