After a mess of packing and moving, with LOTS of help from friends, we finally got all packed up, on the plane, and finally into Buenos Aires Wed about noon. I discovered after a emergency room visit on sunday that I have a nasty brochitis... making it tough to breath, no energy, sore throat, fever etc. but that couldn't slow down the packing and moving! 8-)
We had a lot of help in this wacky move from some great friends...
There are a few heros of our move, first among them are Nick and Kelvin who helped move all of our stuff to the Dover House where we are renting a room. Nick is redoing the place, and Kelvin, his brother is over from the UK for a few weeks for some fun and work time in Austin. We truly could NOT have gotten things done without them, nor fit everything in the space without Kelvin's masterfull, UK Navy-trained storage/organizational skills.
Rachel was another hero for us, helping clear out the apartment and turn in keys. Of course, she's the main architect of the idea that gives us a place for our stuff, and her a few bucks rent for her renovation project. Thanks so much Rachel!!!
Ross and Sharon are due in a few weeks with twins... Ross is frantically working on putting baby supplies/apparatus together and comforting his wife. He also found time to make 2 loads of my paintings and a few other things to the Dover house... as well as take us to the airport. Ross, you rock! and of course, thanks to Sharon for loaning him out... 8-)
My friend Yvette, who's grandson Brad you may remember from Marcela and my wedding as our groovin' ring bearer, also helped us out with some final cleaning of the apartment... but then, Yvette is always sooooo helpful! Gracias!
Charlie & Marcela
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