09 March 2006

Bayesan probability theory

Despite the esoteric symbols, the idea--roughly speaking--is simple: The likelihood that something will happen can be plausibly estimated by how often it occurred in the past. Researchers are applying the idea to everything from gene studies to filtering e-mail.
Interesting stuff with a good explaination. I do love that tv show Numbers, with a math professor being the lead character, using math to solve crimes. Heh, not exactly a traditional plot point. 8-)

After reading this article, it occurs to me that usability of something, be it a website, software app, car, vcr or any interface is greatly based on Bayesian theories. i.e. because users understand this popular (frequently used) interface convention, they are more likely to be successful on further use.
Wow, I'm a freakin' scientist! heh! 8-)


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