19 September 2005

Your wife/accountant does NOT want you to see this

Wow, Amazing monitors... here's to us all winning the lottery!


Bravo to Ms. Henneberger! I've been thinking on exactly this subject for a while... my ire has been directed at all the gold and art in the vatican, but the same point with us lazy americans. Between this great article, and several by Fareed Zakariah, I think I'll be subscribing to Newsweek soon.
Any Comments?

Overturning the Gospels

Katrina has reminded us that Christian morality should be about responding to the wretched and loving the unlovable—not about other people’s sex lives.

By Melinda Henneberger
We as a nation—a proudly, increasingly loudly Christian nation—have somehow convinced ourselves that the selfish choice is usually the moral one, too. (What a deal!) You know how this works: It's wrong to help poor people because "handouts'' reward dependency and thus hurt more than they help. So, do the right thing—that is, walk right on by—and by all means hang on to your hard-earned cash.

Thus do we deny the working poor a living wage, resent welfare recipients expected to live on a few hundred dollars a month, object to the whopping .16 percent of our GNP that goes to foreign aid—and still manage to feel virtuous about all of the above.

Which is how "Christian'' morality got to be all about other people's sex lives—and incredibly easy lifting compared to what Jesus actually asks of us. Defending traditional marriage? A breeze. Living in one? Less so. Telling gay people what they can't do? Piece o' cake. But responding to the wretched? Loving the unlovable? Forgiving the ever-so-occasionally annoying people you actually know? Hard work, as our president would say, and rather more of a stretch.

... more after the link...

Hope you are all well. We are back in Buenos Aires after a week of traveling by car to the northwest area of Argentina! It was great, and very different from the rest of the country that we've seen before. We saw spectacular desserts and mountains with amazing colors in the dirt and rocks. We also learned about many of the indiginous peoples that still survive there and their history. Inca invastions as well as Spanish invasions and liberation of the country after that... good stuff.

We'll be back in Austin this weekend, looking forward to being back in our house! w00t! Anyone buying a new ipod? I'll also be on a new job hunt after 2.5 years! ouch. 8-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miindjet announces a new web site design
To coincide with the release of MindManager 6 on Tuesday, Mindjet is unveiling a new site design according to a blog post by Tim Leberecht on the Mindjet Blog .

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a voip conferencing site/blog. It pretty much covers voip conferencing related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)